UBER LIFE HACKS - Wat Can I Learn In One Minute??

At present life is full of busyness. In this busy life every minute is very important. In one minute we can learn a small trick, a useful life hacks.

Something one can learn with a bit of practice every day, But it must be useful for the person for the remainder of hid/her life. Please keep in mind someone's response may not be useful in your life, it can be very important to another's.


This was happened few days back, when i went to drop my friend and that effect rubbed of on me a little. My friend was going back to USA from Hyderabad airport and I went to see her off. After sending her off I started my return journey and launched Uber. A whopping of 674.53 rupees without approximately 675/- this is what uber suggested as total estimated fare.

I was about to book the cab and suddenly felt something wrong. So i went back to check the best deal that i could get my destination. Then i changed my pick up point from the airport pick up point to nearby point on the airport approach road. That was only 700 mts from the regular cab pick up point.

I again tried my luck with uber again at the new point and i got confirmation with estimated fare of Rs 458.03 and pick up time was approximately 5 mins. The overall fare dropped or difference was 216. I requested the uber and walked 700 mts.


My question is why this drop in fare by 200 rupees for just 700 mts change in pickup point?

Most of the big airports charge entry fee for cabs, which is passed on to the customers and included in the cab fare. The Hyderabad airport charges a flat of 200 rupees to all cabs that pick up people from the designated area. If you are travelling light, or went to drop off someone with no baggage and don't mind walking less than 1 km. By walking you can end up with saving of this additional charge at airports.

I don't know or i am not sure this works at other airports. But no harm in checking the cab fares from a nearby point rather than the designated area, which always comes at premium price. I felt a sense of achievement after saving 200 rupees this way.
Hope this Helps!


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